I present to you a new, unique practical and artistic form called the Vojtral. Vojtral has all the features of stained glass, but it’s made on a specially treated plastic sheet. It’s a treat not only for every classical stained glass lover.
Vojtral advantage is the ability to place it on almost any plain surface. It is a great decoration, a permanent one or an occasional one. Exactly like regular stained glass, Vojtral is eye-catching and amazes with vibrant light. Vojtral can cover any size, you can for example just duplicate the panels. At every time of day, the Vojtral looks differently depending on the light condition, intensity, and season.
A change in the look of that decoration is both fascinating and captivating. It’s easy to assemble and disassemble. The literally infinite amount of designs and astonishing lightness are just some of the advantages.
All Vojtrals are made by hand. The designs are professionally developed (depending on the application) with the highest esthetical and production standards. Individual needs are carefully inspected and taken into account. All Vojtrals are made to individual order. Therefore, you need to consider the time required to finish each order.